Can Supplements and Exercise Help Get Rid of Lower Back Pain?

Written by Andy Mobbs
Reviewed by Ioannis Nikitidis
featured image for blog post on how to get rid of back pain

Lower back pain happens to everyone. If you’re not feeling it now, then you likely have felt it in the past or will sometime in the future. It’s inevitable, really. The older you become, the more likely it is you’ll feel some form of back pain. It also doesn’t discriminate; even young and active individuals are affected, too.

So, how do you get rid of back pain? Can an anti-inflammatory supplement like Glucosamine Complex help? Also, are there stretches and exercises that help with lower back pain relief? Well, let’s find out in this blog post!

But first, an important disclaimer…

There are many reasons why lower back pain occurs. Most cases are mild and brought about by muscle overuse or over-extension. For instance, being stuck in one position for hours, pulling a muscle during exercise, or sleeping in the wrong position. If this sounds like you, then this blog post may help.

However, if your back pain is due to a serious condition like sciatica, scoliosis, herniated disc, osteoporosis, tumor, or injury, then please seek medical attention. Also, if any of these symptoms are present, call your doctor right away:

  • Constant and throbbing pain that renders you immobile
  • Progressively worsening pain that interrupts your sleep
  • Numbness and/or tingling in your legs/feet
  • You’re burning up and vomiting from the pain
  • Over-the-counter painkillers aren’t working

With that being said, let’s check out the different ways you can get rid of back pain!

4 Tips To Help Get Rid of Back Pain

These tips may help minimize the pain and discomfort from lower back pain and help increase mobility and flexibility.

Tip #1: Take an anti-inflammatory back pain supplement  

This tip may help those with inflammatory back pain caused by muscle strains and sprains. A strain or sprain in the area will not only cause pain, but will also limit bending and walking. It may even prevent you from standing up straight!

glucosamine is a powerful back pain supplement

Taking supplements for back pain may sound surprising when NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work and are widely available. However, NSAIDs aren’t really ideal for long-term use. Adverse effects include gastrointestinal ulcers, renal failure, hypertension, and more.

To help keep your lower back pain in check, a supplement made from all-natural ingredients may be your best bet.

Check out our Intelligent Labs Triple Strength Glucosamine Complex.  It’s formulated to provide relief from inflammation, back pain, joint pain, and even arthritis. Older individuals suffering from back pain and joint pain may find this supplement especially helpful.

Our special Glucosamine formulation includes several of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories available – glucosamine, boswellia, chondroitin, turmeric, quercetin, methionine, MSM, and bromelain. All these ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, making our Glucosamine Complex one of the best lower back pain relief products out there!

Tip #2: Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles support your torso and provide stability, leading to better posture and less strain on your lower back.

Even if you are currently experiencing some back pain, there are some stretches and light exercises that you can perform to feel better without deteriorating the already existing back pain. These exercises will also help you recover easier and prevent future similar conditions.

When working on building lumbar stability, two important techniques enhance the effectiveness of the exercise: drawing-in and bracing.

The drawing-in technique involves pulling in the lower ab muscles towards the spine. To do this, you take a deep inhale then exhale completely, drawing your stomach in, as you perform the exercise. For example, if you were doing a sit-up, you would inhale as you lay back then exhale and ‘hollow’ your stomach as you sat back up.

The bracing technique consists of tightening your abs and keeping them constricted throughout the entire exercise.

Both of these techniques have been shown to lead to greater abdominal muscle thickness if used during exercise, which leads to more lumbar support.

Tip #3: Do stretches regularly

Stretches are important for everyone. If you are an active person who is training, you should be stretching your whole body before and after the training session.

On the other hand, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, stretching is important to help you maintain a good body posture. It allows your muscles, tendons and ligaments to move more and perform movements that are not usual in the normal activities of the day. 

Extension Stretch

get rid of back pain with Sphynx Pose
  • Duration: 30 seconds.
  • Reps: 3-5 or more if you are training regularly
  • Target area: Your abs and lower back

To begin, you lie on your stomach with your legs extended on the floor behind you. Bracing on your forearms with your palms flat to the ground, lift your upper body. It’s important to do this stretch slowly because quickly lifting your upper body could put too much strain on your lower back too rapidly.

If you are a beginner or if you already have some back pain, there is no need to go very high, you will lift your body as much as you don’t feel the pain. You can start by lifting your upper body a bit and gradually after some days, you will notice a big difference in your range of motion.

Two-knee Twist

2 knee twist
  • Duration: 90 seconds
  • Reps: 2 for each side.
  • Target area: Your obliques, abs, and lower back

Start by lying down on your back with your arms extended out to the sides. Bring your legs up then bend your knees. Make sure to keep your shoulders pressed firmly to the floor as you exhale and lower both legs to one side.

If your back is really stiff, you can place a pillow between your knees to modify the stretch. Try to perform the exercise slowly to avoid any kind of injury.

Child’s Pose

Easy Steps To Get Rid of Back Pain 5
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Target area: Your entire back

This is a relatively easy yoga pose that fully stretches your back and may help get rid of back pain. You begin by getting on your knees then sitting back on your heels. Raise your arms straight up over your head then bend your torso forward until your hands touch the floor, keeping your neck relaxed.

Due to all of your weight being on your knees, you can use a towel or cushion if you have knee problems or it just gets uncomfortable. Try to breathe normally while performing the exercise.

Knee to Chest Stretch

knee to chest stretch
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Reps: 3-5
  • Target area: Your glutes and lower back

After lying down on your back, bring one leg up and bend it at the knee. Placing your hands on your knee, pull your leg back towards your chest. The movement of pulling your leg to your chest should be gentle and slow to help your muscles adapt to the movement and avoid any injury. Your other leg can be bent to make the stretch easier, but the stretch is more effective if it is lying straight.

Tip #4: Get rid of back pain with these exercises

Stretches and exercises can help get rid of lower back pain, but certain back conditions can be irritated by exercising. If the pain worsens during any of the movements, it’s a signal to stop because continuing could do more damage than good. Pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Wall Sit

Wall Sit technique can help you get rid of back pain
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Reps: 2

An easy exercise that can be done almost anywhere.

Stand with your back against a wall then gradually lower yourself down by bending your knees and walking your feet out until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

Your feet should stay shoulder-width apart and your thighs should be parallel to the floor.

Side Plank

Side Plank
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Reps: 3 for each side

Often used in Pilates routines, the side plank is a great core exercise that not only builds strength but can also help with body alignment.

Lie on your side then prop your torso up on your forearm. Lift your hips up from the floor until your body is aligned in a clear diagonal line.

While this seems like an easy exercise, it can be tougher than it looks so if you need a modification, you can keep one knee on the floor. Make sure that you stabilize well enough the hand that receives all the pressure.

Quadruped Arm & Leg Raise

get rid of back pain with this Quadruped Arm & Leg Raise
  • Reps: 15
  • Set: 3-4

Despite the long name, this exercise is fairly simple. You start on your hands and knees then lift your left arm, extending it straight in front of you.

At the same time, lift and extend your right leg back. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds then repeat using the opposite arm and leg.

If you find it hard to coordinate this combined movement or if you think it is too difficult for you, you can try to begin lifting only one leg or one arm. When you get familiar with the movement, you can try the combined version hand and opposite leg raise.

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic Tilt
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Reps: 10 -15

An effective core exercise that doesn’t require much strenuous activity, pelvic tilts are a good choice for those that are new to an exercise routine.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. While tightening your abs, press your back into the floor and tilt your pelvis upward.

Want to keep working out while traveling? Check out our blog post on how to stay in shape while on vacation!

Final thoughts

It is possible to get rid of back pain with the right supplements, proper stretching and exercise. However, as mentioned earlier, not all back pain is equal. To ensure you don’t aggravate the pain, speak with your doctor before taking any medication or starting an exercise program.

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