Category Archives: Nutrition

Omega-3 Benefits: It’s Vital For Health & Fitness

Decades before the science behind omega-3 was understood, families were taking a spoonful of cod [...]

Want Muscle? Don’t Forget To Eat Your Yolks!

Eggs and muscle building have long been linked. Everyone is familiar with the cringe-worthy portrayal [...]

Artificial Sweeteners: Safe or Toxic?

Over the recent decades, we’ve become more aware of the harms that come from consuming [...]

How To Stop Sugar Cravings For Good!

Many people have a sweet tooth. It’s almost impossible to not be fond of sweets [...]

24 Omega-3 Fish Oil Benefits To Help Improve Your Life

Omega-3 fatty acids have risen in popularity over the last few years, and it’s not [...]

Omega-3 and the Endocannabinoid System

Shall we smoke grass or take fish oil? Can omega-3 fatty acids have the same [...]

Can Omega-3 Help With Dry Eyes?

Dry eye is a painful and very irritating condition. The eyes sting, burn, hurt, and [...]

The Benefits of Taking Omega-3 During Pregnancy

Expecting mothers have a million worries. Picking out a good name, getting the nursery ready, [...]

Omega-3 for Male Fertility: Can It Give You ‘Olympic Swimmers’?

When we hear a conversation about infertility, we generally tend to think of it as [...]

Taking Omega-3 for PCOS and Endometriosis

For most women, getting pregnant is not a difficult task. For others, the first step [...]